Saturday, 11 March 2017

When Cthulhu Attacks!

As the Trump administration continues to serve Cthulhu in the manner understood and conveyed by Pope-Emperor Palpatine Bannon, and Minion #8739 Scott Pruitt. While here in New Zealand National adjusts water standards to alleviate problems with more crap in the rivers. Not by reducing level E Coli but by issuing a big "meh" to the E Coli that's already out there.

Closer to home, a lesser known minion entered my apartment and walked off with my main laptop. The computer I have been using to for the last week has no hard disk but runs on a microSD card in a USB adapter. To get going in the morning with it I have to recover the filesystem with fsck. It also has only half the memory and I have to throttle the CPU to stop it getting too hot. I've seen it hit 94C.
Unfortunately, the HDD of the missing laptop had the only copy of my CV - a series of Java code projects I had been developing over many years. There was also a project for a ZX Spectrum editor and assembler project. It included a linker that I had built. The assembler was born to scratch itches with the Ultraviolet assembler including sloppy validation, source code being limited to what could be loaded into basic at one time. The was also a menu BASIC program that tied together everything creating a sort of IDE and a build process.
If anyone sees this ASUS F53Ke, it has a MANA bumper sticker on the lid, and a defect in the middle of the screen, it boots into Ubuntu 12.04.

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