Wednesday, 19 December 2012

18/12 Gays Aren't Human – WTF

A US Christian Radio Host, Linda Harvey, has claimed human's aren't naturally homosexual, aren't human and shouldn't be protected by the US constitution. Research shows that highly religious people are less compassionate. It appears this woman can't even fake compassion, enough to not use a favourite liable of Nazis against Jews, Blacks and Gays. She Argues “Why should the equal protection argument be made in favour of homosexual behaviour, which is changeable? People are not naturally homosexual, so the definition of person in the Fourteenth Amendment is being twisted to make this assumption.” Of course her comments fly in the face of science. And is absurd on its face, as we can observe, Why should the equal protection argument be made in favour of clothes wearing behaviour? People don't wear clothes naturally(while it is a common practise enforced by social convention and the need for protection from the elements), which is changeable, so the definition of person in the Fourteenth Amendment is being twisted to make this assumption. She continues “One thing our culture does not want if it wants to survive is to have its youth corrupted and this is happening in oh so many ways now, and homosexuality is one more. And here’s how it works with homosexuality: since no pregnancy threat exists, some people think there’s no reason to prohibit behaviour in the young, even the very young.” Young people aren't indoctrinated into being gay and the suggestion that they are amounts to an unfounded accusation of paedophilia. Long before the current wider acceptance of gay people and even today, gay youth today struggle to come to terms with knowing that they have little attraction to the opposite sex when their environment is hostile to gay people, for many if they could be not gay they would. Which is which so many outwardly homophobic preachers and politicians end up being force out of the closet in some outrageous sex scandal, Ted Haggard anyone? To hear Harvey's rant see the article at
More recently Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association claimed that being gay is the “result of a birth defect” citing research published in the Quarterly review of Biology. This misrepresentation of science stems from a study that demonstrated that homosexuality runs in families, passing from mothers to sons and from fathers to daughters, and adding weight to the genetic disposition hypothesis of homosexuality. Fischer hit the headlines previously for claiming that there should be a new underground railway for children of same sex couple so they could be raise in heterosexual homes.
Sources: Pink News – Linda Harvey Bryan Fischer

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